Actual Payments and Results

The Uptime Catalyst Facility was created by the Uptime consortium in 2020 to pilot a results-based funding model for rural water services. This multi-country approach issues non-repayable funding to service providers after results are confirmed.

Q3 2023: Actual Payments and Results


Waterpoints with uptime >96%


Payment from users

5.1 million

Estimated population served

8,473 million

Estimated total litres

Quarterly results-based payment:


Estimated payment per person served: $0.11
Annualized total: $2,329,096 | Annualized per person: $0.46

Financial Performance

Working Ratio


Type #
Handpumps 3893
Shared Taps 2291
Kiosks 938
Household Taps 84977
Total Waterpoints 92099